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In the world of business, collective agreements are crucial in establishing the terms and conditions of employment between employers and employees. One of the most recent significant collective agreements that have been making headlines is the Brock University Faculty Association (BUFA) and Brock University`s Collective Agreement.

The latest Brock CUPE collective agreement was reached in March 2021 between Brock University and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4207, which represented academic assistants, invigilators, and course coordinators. The agreement covers a three-year period from September 1, 2020, until August 31, 2023. It includes a wage increase of 1.5% per year and improvements to job security and benefits for the employees represented by CUPE.

The collective agreement also emphasizes the importance of equity and diversity in the workplace. Brock University has made significant strides in this area, including creating a new Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) office in 2020. The new office is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote greater equity, diversity, and inclusion across the university, including in hiring, promotion, and retention practices.

The CUPE collective agreement also includes provisions for work-life balance. The university recognizes the importance of employees` mental health and well-being and has committed to providing resources to support employees` mental and emotional health.

Additionally, the agreement highlights the importance of health and safety in the workplace. Health and safety are particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic. The university has committed to providing additional personal protective equipment (PPE) to employees, enhanced cleaning protocols, and other measures to ensure the safety of all employees, students, and visitors to the campus.

One of the unique features of the Brock CUPE collective agreement is the inclusion of a research and professional development fund. This fund provides employees with opportunities to pursue research and professional development activities to enhance their skills and knowledge, which can benefit both themselves and the university.

In conclusion, the Brock CUPE collective agreement is a significant achievement that ensures fair wages, job security, benefits, and work-life balance for the employees represented by CUPE. The agreement reflects the university`s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as the health, safety, and well-being of all its employees. It serves as an excellent model for other universities and businesses to follow in establishing their collective agreements.


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